
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Clubs & Organizations

About Us

Bring Light to the Darkness of Cancer®
When you or someone you love hears the words ''you have cancer''… it's one of the darkest moments of your life.
For patients and their loved ones, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light The Night offers hope instead of helplessness, connection instead of loneliness, and life-saving research and support at every step. When we come together as a community, we bring more people out of the dark.

Be the voice that speaks up.
Be the hand that reaches out.
Be the light that cures cancer.

At The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light The Night we gather as a community to celebrate, honor, and remember those touched by blood cancers. Friends, families, schools, corporate teams, and sponsors join together to bring light to the darkness of cancer. The funds raised by this community fund lifesaving research, advocacy and support for blood cancer patients and their families. Join us in the fight to cure cancer!

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Rep/Contact Info

Shauna Huffington
Campaign Development Director