
Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home - Willis

Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home - Willis

Funeral Homes

About Us

Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home has three locations to serve families, located in Huntsville, Montgomery and Willis. Our Willis location is adjacent to our beautiful cemetery, Smith Memorial Park. Our funeral homes and cemetery are family owned and operated by William Greg Smith. We are large enough to give our families the same service as the largest funeral homes around, yet we are small enough that each family gets the level of attention and care they deserve.

We realize that each family is entrusting into our care the most important thing in your life; a loved one. We pledge to provide information and choices that will meet each family's needs by creating a meaningful, respectful and personalized funeral experience. Our staff will guide your family in creating a meaningful ceremony to honor the life and memory of a loved one. A ceremony can be anything you wish it to be: simple or elaborate, traditional or unique. No matter how it's tailored, such a ceremony is an important step in recovering from loss. Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home is honored to provide trust, care, loyalty and commitment to each family we serve.

Please feel free to visit our website often, and if a question arises, do not hesitate to call on us.


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Rep/Contact Info

Zoe Holbrook
Provisional Funeral Director/Embalmer
Belinda Honea
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Porscha Jones
Funeral Director & Embalmer
Mr. Greg Smith