Clubs & Organizations
Monday - Friday 9 - 4
About Us
Founded in 2016, Mosaics is a nonprofit organization with a mission to help members of our community navigate mental health and substance use recovery resources. Mosaics is unique in our navigation service model as we are currently the only nonprofit in the greater Houston area providing mental health navigation assistance. Our database consists of over 1,200 providers and resources across our service area, and it continues to grow daily. Our Family Navigators are mental health professionals themselves, who help members of our community identify resources that fit for each specific situation including availability and financial considerations. However, our work extends beyond navigation services to include education, advocacy, and scholarship services. Through our work, it is our goal to break stigmas and eliminate barriers in accessing quality mental health and substance use treatment, ultimately saving lives.
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Clubs & Organizations
Monday - Friday 9 - 4
About Us
Founded in 2016, Mosaics is a nonprofit organization with a mission to help members of our community navigate mental health and substance use recovery resources. Mosaics is unique in our navigation service model as we are currently the only nonprofit in the greater Houston area providing mental health navigation assistance. Our database consists of over 1,200 providers and resources across our service area, and it continues to grow daily. Our Family Navigators are mental health professionals themselves, who help members of our community identify resources that fit for each specific situation including availability and financial considerations. However, our work extends beyond navigation services to include education, advocacy, and scholarship services. Through our work, it is our goal to break stigmas and eliminate barriers in accessing quality mental health and substance use treatment, ultimately saving lives.
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