
Gladd Foundation

Gladd Foundation

Nonprofit Organization

About Us

The Gladd Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization who wants to team up with you in making it possible to assist the bleeding disorder community and the affiliates. Our mission is to pay it forward to enhance the lives of these children and adults. The Gladd Foundation engages in public fundraising activities to provide the resources for sending the children to camps within the United States while, also educating and furthering the medical research to try to control and eradicate these bleeding disorders.

Whose Affected?
In the world it is estimated 400,000 people have a bleeding disorder called Hemophilia. In the United States alone, it is estimated that 1 million women have bleeding disorder, such as VonWillenrand and/or Hemophilia, but many of them still go undiagnosed. These conditions are life long and currently there is no cure. Please help us in improving the care and research for those affected with these disorders, We will be go Gladd you did!


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