Conroe Founder's Day
The Isaac Conroe Founder’s Day is Tuesday, February 11, starting at 4 p.m. at the Isaac Conroe Homestead, now the City of Conroe Connection Transportation Services at 202 Ave. A. This is a free event with elected officials, period costumed docents from the 1800s, a cannon firing, and descendants of Isaac Conroe who was born in February 1835, and died at the age of 62 in August 1897.
Award-winning singer songwriter Peyton Riley will be singing the National Anthem after the presentation of the flags by Major General Patrick Cleburne’s 7th Texas Infantry Camp of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans with a cannon fired at the close with a black musket by the Rolling Thunder Cannon. Local, state, and federal elected officials will be on hand to share the celebration of Isaac Conroe, born 187 years earlier.
The first Founder’s Day was celebrated August 2, 2018, and after three hot August events organizers moved the event to February, which is the month Isaac Conroe was born. As part of the festivities, one person will be honored as the Conroe Citizen of the Year based on contributions from the community and agreed upon by affirmative acclimation by the Isaac Conroe Board of Directors.
Isaac Conroe is the founding father of the City of Conroe. There is no other city named Conroe in the world. Isaac Conroe coerced the railroad to make a stop in the town, and it was named the “Isaac Conroe Switch.” He later built a sawmill and the famous white wooden house on 202 Avenue A, which is considered the birthplace of Conroe. This house served as his family’s residence, the first Courthouse, the first Post office, and the first Postmaster was Isaac Conroe.

Docents who will be present at the Isaac Conroe Founder’s Day include Elaine Collings, Dianne Kebodeaux, Donna Summers, Evelyn Miller, Sheila Williamson, and Chrissy Barton. The Sons of the Confederate Veterans include Buddy Gurganus, Anthony Gurganus, Ed Sellards, Michael Brown, Ken Miller, and Curtis Summers.
Conroe Founder's Day
Date and Time
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CST
Festivities begin at 4 p.m.
Isaac Conroe Homestead (now the City of Conroe Connection Transportation Services)
202 Ave. A
Conroe, TX 77301
Free of charge.
The Isaac Conroe Founder’s Day is Tuesday, February 11, starting at 4 p.m. at the Isaac Conroe Homestead, now the City of Conroe Connection Transportation Services at 202 Ave. A. This is a free event with elected officials, period costumed docents from the 1800s, a cannon firing, and descendants of Isaac Conroe who was born in February 1835, and died at the age of 62 in August 1897.
Award-winning singer songwriter Peyton Riley will be singing the National Anthem after the presentation of the flags by Major General Patrick Cleburne’s 7th Texas Infantry Camp of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans with a cannon fired at the close with a black musket by the Rolling Thunder Cannon. Local, state, and federal elected officials will be on hand to share the celebration of Isaac Conroe, born 187 years earlier.
The first Founder’s Day was celebrated August 2, 2018, and after three hot August events organizers moved the event to February, which is the month Isaac Conroe was born. As part of the festivities, one person will be honored as the Conroe Citizen of the Year based on contributions from the community and agreed upon by affirmative acclimation by the Isaac Conroe Board of Directors.
Isaac Conroe is the founding father of the City of Conroe. There is no other city named Conroe in the world. Isaac Conroe coerced the railroad to make a stop in the town, and it was named the “Isaac Conroe Switch.” He later built a sawmill and the famous white wooden house on 202 Avenue A, which is considered the birthplace of Conroe. This house served as his family’s residence, the first Courthouse, the first Post office, and the first Postmaster was Isaac Conroe.
Docents who will be present at the Isaac Conroe Founder’s Day include Elaine Collings, Dianne Kebodeaux, Donna Summers, Evelyn Miller, Sheila Williamson, and Chrissy Barton. The Sons of the Confederate Veterans include Buddy Gurganus, Anthony Gurganus, Ed Sellards, Michael Brown, Ken Miller, and Curtis Summers.
Date and Time
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CST
Festivities begin at 4 p.m.
Isaac Conroe Homestead (now the City of Conroe Connection Transportation Services)
202 Ave. A
Conroe, TX 77301
Free of charge.